Chalice of Repose Project®

Beauty, Intimacy, and Reverence in End-of-Life Palliative and Pastoral Care

Chalice of Repose®

Music-Thanatology is a sub-specialty of palliative medicine, and derives profound spiritual inspiration and meaning from the Benedictine Cluniac tradition of monastic medicine. In that light, every moment, person, condition and event is one in which we can turn to greet, receive and meet one another “in a new and living way.” 

(Letter to The Hebrews)

Epiclesis by Barbara Helen Berger, 1978

Latest Musical Offering by Therese Schroeder-Sheker and David Darling

Selected Writings by Therese Schroeder-Sheker

Therese Schroeder-Sheker—The Garments of Weaver Nigh | Jesus the Imagination
The Garments of Weaver Nigh
Therese Schroder-Sheker: Knee-Woman In Swan Song | Jesus the Imagination
Knee-Woman In Swan Song
Therese Schroeder-Sheker: Garden Gate | Jesus the Imagination
Garden Gate
Dew In April

Essays from New View

Becoming Harpistic | Therese Schroeder-Sheker for New View
Becoming Harpistic
Reaching Across Space and Time | Therese Schroeder-Sheker for New View
Reaching Across Space and Time
Becoming Recollected | Therese Schoeder-Sheker for New View
Becoming Recollected

Please see Publications & Resources for more writings by Therese.