The mission of The Chalice of Repose Project takes place through:
- Local and national clinical services; national educational programs; local and national community outreach programs advancing both music-thanatology and contemplative musicianship; and spiritual retreats on prayer and music.
- Creative collaborative relationships with colleagues, associations, hospitals, hospices, teaching institutions distinguished locally, nationally, and internationally in the arts and sciences of medicine, nursing, theology, music, and the humanities.
- Scholarly-clinical and contemplative research and publication in the palliative medical and pastoral care arts, humanities and sciences;
- The support of right livelihood and continuing spiritual and clinical growth, scholarship and artistry in the field.
The basic text for this Mission Statement was first developed in 1985 in Denver, and later elaborated in 1992 during a Mission Statement retreat in Missoula. This current version of the Mission Statement is again the result of prayerful discernment and group retreat work following the 2002 relocation of the national office to Mt. Angel, Oregon, and slightly revised in 2021.
Last updated November, 2021
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