Contemplative Musicianship (RA-CM) (Rolling Admissions – Contemplative Musicianship)

  • This seminar speaks to musicians interested in a) the spirituality of music, b) an intellectual, cultural, musical and spiritual preparation for service and c) the deepening of musical artistry. The overall content is geared toward depth, and the integrative methodology connects all of the above with one another, rather than keeping them as separate studies or separate capacities.
  • The applicants arrive from a variety of professions and educational backgrounds: doctors, nurses, social workers, singers, harpists, instrumentalists, composers, conductors, chaplains, ordained ministers from several different traditions, clinicians, liturgists, choral directors, historians, lawyers, engineers, music educators, music therapists, and business people. The individuals are drawn from a variety of professions and experiences.
  • Successful completion of RA-CM is the pre-requisite for application to the Music-Thanatology seminar.
  • One does not need to be interested in Music-Thanatology in order to apply to or to be accepted into the RA-CM program, and many who apply to RA-CM are not interested in end-of-life care at all.
  • RA-CM is typically a twelve-module, distance learning, low-residency, certificate bearing, adult learning, continuing education program. Occasionally, an individual student will want to contract for a little more, perhaps three intensive residencies rather than two, and that can be arranged formally by virtue of an amended enrollment contract.
  • The RA-CM curriculum usually combines ten on-line module lectures and two in-person modules, delivered through brief on-site visits referred to as intensive residencies, both of which are traditionally delivered in Oregon. However, during the Covid pandemic, in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the intensives have been redesigned and were offered via streaming technologies.
  • Whether written or in person, each module has formal required assignments: reading of texts, the writing of reflective essays, and the learning of musical works aligned with an individual’s musical condition, be it beginner, intermediate or professional.
  • The course is taught in English, though the repertoire introduced and studied comes from many different time periods and cultures.
  • Applications are received 10 months of the year on a flexible rolling admissions policy(RA)
  • Please note that we do not usually receive or reply to inquiries or applications during the months of July and or December when the school office is closed to the public.
  • We usually review and respond to new applications once a month, ten months of the year, late in the month.
    • The calendar of deliveries for each RA-CM enrollment is individually tailored, and mutually developed through communications exchanged between the instructor and student. The calendar is formalized prior to the start of the program. One person may seek to schedule their modules 6 weeks apart, while another proposes slightly longer periods of 8 weeks. Regardless of the rhythm chosen, there is real flexibility about calendar as long as good and courteous communications are exchanged.
    • Extensions for assignments due are sometimes needed to meet the unexpected situations of life. They are formally approved on a no-fault basis and the extensions are given for a specific duration. Unless there is an unexpected event or an emergency such as a death in the family or a major surgery it is ideal to aim to complete the RA-CM program in eighteen or twenty months.
  • Contemplative Musicianship students who have successfully completed all RA-CM requirements and have received the Chalice of Repose Project certificate of completion may apply for acceptance into the Music-Thanatology program.

    Please go to Music-Thanatology on the next page.

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